Iridology is a diagnostic system based on the study of the eye’s iris.
This scientific discipline is used to detect problems which affect not only the body, but also the mental and psychological capabilities.

Iridology views the iris as a special small-scale map of the human body, its anatomy and vital functions.

Therefore, the iris is basically a kind of tiny store which contains information on the health of our organs and the wellbeing of our psyche.
It is precisely by observing and studying the spots and the colour shades of the iris that the iridologist is able to detect the signs of possible diseases.

According to this discipline, the iris logs the nervous messages that start from the hypothalamus and the limbic system and makes it possible to locate those deep tensions that are perceived by the central nervous system as potential threats to the person’s health, for their ability to activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (stress) axis.

Indeed, as it is widely acknowledged and proven, stress can cause the emergence of organic diseases.

Therefore, through the examination of the iris, the iridologist mainly performs an energy assessment, e.g. by observing the shine, the speed of contraction and any presence of tissue from other ophthalmic structures.